Episode 34: Sunny Side Up

Ever-expanding Skill Set
There’s a fantastic dish at Spice Market, an Asian-fusion restaurant in NYC’s meatpacking district, or near it. Actually, it’s a very convenient location for lunch or dinner if you’ve been spending some time on the High Line. The dish is ginger fried rice. Mark Bittman has reverse-engineered the dish. He’s a genius, frankly. Deb Perelman recognizes his genius and has included the recipe on her Smitten Kitchen website. And now you can enjoy this intriguingly simple rice at home. It goes very well with any protein dish that is vibrantly-flavored — it balances out spicy and exotic notes. Topped with a fried egg, it makes a great lunch or light supper. I am one of those people who finds the interrogation of a fried egg too violent for a morning meal, so I prefer an egg like this served after noon, thank you very much.
Among my bulk bin purchases this month was a cup of pink rice from Madagascar. It wasn’t easy to find recipes specifically devised for this rice. I did, however, become caught up in the agricultural lore of “Dista rice,” which I talk a bit about in the podcast. I did manage to find a recipe for a pink rice pilaf from Whole Foods. Start by toasting the rice in a sizzling dollop of coconut oil and roasted chili paste, then use orange juice as a cooking liquid. Great with chicken roasted on the Big Green Egg charcoal grill.
The Back Porch
This week, I completed the Galactic Orbits top by Linda Skuja and finished plying 6 ounces of Wensleydale in the London Fog colorway from FatCatKnits. The fiber spun up into 390 yards of a sport/DK weight 2-ply. The extremely long staple length of this fiber meant that it was a very different spinning experience from what I’ve had so far. My wheel is empty as I decide what project to begin next.
The Front Porch
One new project went on the needles since the last episode. That is Farbklang “color of sound” by Simone Eich of WOLLWERK. This is an asymmetrically-designed scarf that is great for using scraps and experimenting with color combinations. Here is Simone’s completed piece. Mine will feature blues and greens, and lots of beads.
Another up-and-coming project is Tripartite, a swingy, softly-structured vest design by Stephen West. I have never knit with lace weight yarn before, but the versatility of this garment intrigues me and I think it will make a great layering piece for the summer.
Gratitude Journal
Learn some new vocabulary and make a contribution of rice to the World Food Programme by playing Free Rice.
Double Happiness
This week, I read a poem titled Egg by Ales Steger, a Slovene poet, in honor of National Poetry Month. It sums up nicely my sentiments regarding the fried egg.