
Episode 1



The cliff’s edge of Newport, RI was our destination this summer.  There, on the grounds of Marble House, is a Chinese tea house that Alva Vanderbuilt installed on her property in the early 1900’s.  The structure was a spectacle and the backdrop for elaborate costume parties and fundraisers to raise money for women’s suffrage.  This ornate structure, we believe, served as the inspiration for our modest and rustic tea cottage near Delaware Water Gap, PA.

The Back Porchpressedleaves

Completed and blocked this week was Pressed Leaves, a knitted hat designed by Alana Dakos.  The most challenging chart I’ve followed to date, this hat does not have a single knit stitch.  The pattern, though challenging, was extremely clear and easy to follow.  Here is the hat, damp and stretched over a plate to block, as suggested by the directions. I am very pleased with the result and can’t wait to knit my next pattern from Botanical Knits.  Next up is Oak Trail, which has a very pleasing design and some additional knitting challenges.

kombuchaDouble Happiness

My kombucha is finally effervescent and refreshing after a summer of experimentation. It is an acquired taste, for sure, but I’ve become quite attracted to the taste and interested in the health benefits.  I have some ideas in mind for a kombucha episode in the future.  Stay tuned.

Gratitude Journal

Thank you to Samuel, who helped me navigate all of the software necessary to make this podcast a reality.  He also designed the banner for this website and the logo for Facebook and iTunes.  I am so grateful for your patience. Thank you to everyone who listens to these early podcasts.  I am especially grateful to those who leave star ratings and reviews on iTunes.