
Episode 246

April is National Poetry Month.  US Poet Laureate, Joy Harjo claims, “Without poetry, we lose our way.” William Carlos Williams wrote, “It is difficult / to get the news from poems / yet men die miserably every day / for lack / of what is found there.” In this episode, I share some poems for challenging times.  Thank you to listeners Sue, Nancy and Robin for submissions of poems to read on this episode.  I invite you to find a poem for solace and comfort, or to share poems with others.


How to Survive This

by Barbara Kingsolver

O misery. Imperfect

universe of days stretched out

ahead, the string of pearls

and drops of venom on the web,

losses of heart, of life

and limb, news of the worst:

Remind me again

the day will come

when I look back amazed

at the waste of sorry salt

when I had no more than this

to cry about.

Now I lay me down.

I’m not there yet.