Episode 145
I’m back with Episode 145 after a #digital detox this week. This episode includes the following segments: The Back Porch, The Front Porch, Ever-expanding Skill Set, and details about the Taproot make-along that will begin on January 1. The old friend I mention in this episode is crochet, which was my entry into the world of fiber arts. Do you have an old friend (craft, yarn, tool) that takes you back to the early days of your life in fiber arts? I’d love to hear about it!

The Back Porch
- Magic Corkshrooms pattern by Julie Tarsha
- Tungata cowl designed by Stephen West
- crochet Owl Hat by Debra Dandaneau
The Front Porch
- Feminist Killjoy hat by Glitz Knits Boutique
- crochet rug
- Collywobbles socks designed by Emily Estrada
- Lonely Tree Shawl designed by Silvia McFadden
- Pomegranate pullover designed by Bonnie Sennott
Ever-Expanding Skill Set

The Taproot make-along begins on January 1 and concludes on March 1. You’re invited to make anything from the Hands section of Taproot magazine, any issue. Projects in progress are okay too. Post your plans, progress, and finished projects on the Ravelry thread. Generous listeners have offered up some prizes for participation too.